[Live-devel] Problem with RTPInterface::sendPacket method

ChaSeop Im soupim at gmail.com
Thu Jul 24 05:31:11 PDT 2014


I have implemented a RTSP server with own recording files.

The problem occurs when removed stream socket while sending packet over tcp

When packet sending is failed in RTPInterface::sendDataOverTCP method, it
called RTPInterface::removeStreamSocket method.

call stack like this :
sockNum=444, unsigned char streamChannelId='')
RtspPlaybackServerTest.exe!RTPInterface::sendDataOverTCP(int socketNum=444,
const unsigned char * data=0x000000528417e860, unsigned int dataSize=4,
bool forceSendToSucceed=false)
char * packet=0x000000528b219070, unsigned int packetSize=1448, int
socketNum=444, unsigned char streamChannelId='\0')
RtspPlaybackServerTest.exe!RTPInterface::sendPacket(unsigned char *
packet=0x000000528b219070, unsigned int packetSize=1448)

RTPInterface::removeStreamSocket delete streamPtr. This occur crash in
RTPInterface::sendPacket. because values of streams and streams->fNext are
not valid.

When I added break; after success = False; statement, crash is not occured.
but, I don't know this is right.

how to fix it?
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