[Live-devel] Problem with RTPInterface::sendPacket method

Ross Finlayson finlayson at live555.com
Thu Jul 24 19:51:09 PDT 2014

> I don’t know why only my own rtspserver is crashed. But, I think crash could occurred in several test programs because this is logically problem.
> RTPInterface::sendPacket call sendRTSPorRTCPPacketOverTCP method with socketNumber.
> sendRTSPorRTCPPacketOverTCP call sendDataOverTCP.
> sendDataOverTCP send method to send packet over tcp.
> If The send method failed, sendDataOverTCP could call removeStreamSoket method with scoketNumer from RTPInterface::sendPacket.
> The removeStreamSocket can delete streamPtr( is same pointer value using in sendPacket method).
> After return to for statement in sendPacket, streams = streams->fNext occur crash. Because streams(pointer) deleted in removeStreamSocket method.

Yes, you're right - this is a bug!

I've just released a new version - 2014.07.25 - of the "LIVE555 Streaming Media" server that fixes this.  Many thanks for the report.

Ross Finlayson
Live Networks, Inc.

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