[Live-devel] Adding streams to already-running event loop

Eric Blanpied eric at sparkalley.com
Wed Nov 12 12:58:12 PST 2014

> On Nov 12, 2014, at 12:31 PM, Ross Finlayson <finlayson at live555.com> wrote:
>> I’ve got this working along the lines you’ve described, but the problem I’m running into is a need for some kind of external (to live555 thread) reference to each RTSPClient, in order to trigger other events (stopping one, for example). That’s why I thought about creating the clients outside of the loop, but I can understand why that’s not a good idea. Creating the RTSPClient instance inside the eventTrigger handler doesn’t provide a way to pass a reference back, either (as far as I can tell).
>> Do you have any recommendation on how to give the main application thread a useful reference to each stream for use with later event triggers? It seems to me that this would be a common desire for an app that handles multiple streams.
> I suggest creating - in the external thread - some object (struct) that represents the stream.  This struct could contain some fields (such as the RTSP URL) that would be set by the external thread, and other LIVE555-specific fields (such as a pointer to a “RTSPClient” object) that would be set and accessed only by the LIVE555-event-loop thread.
> Then, pass a pointer to this struct (rather than just the RTSP URL) as the ‘clientData’ parameter to “triggerEvent()”.

OK, so the “addNewStream” triggered event, where the RTSPClient is created, would add the pointer to it then. I’m a bit concerned about thread-safety here, since the struct is created on the GUI thread, then manipulated on the live555 thread. I suppose you’re implying that safety would come from being careful about each field only being set from the appropriate thread.


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