[Live-devel] RSTP Live streaming from USB camera

Giovanni Iamonte giovanni.iamonte at quintetto.it
Thu Nov 13 05:50:08 PST 2014



Our goal was to generated an H264 + AAC  live streaming starting from an
USB camera and a microphone.

To reach the goal we have used the following chain: USB camera -> ffmpeg
-> RSTP live555. 

Finally, the live stream works and when we connect with a client like
VLC or ffplay, we can see the camera shooting.


The only problem that we have is due to fact that we can only have a
limited number of connections (client vlc) and this 

number is related to the source's resolution.

If you exceed this number all the VLC clients begin to display


Source's resolution 320 x 240 allows just  6 VLC connections.

Source's resolution 640 x 480 allows just 3 VLC connections.

Source's resolution 1920 x 1080 allows just 1 VLC connection.


We already checks the cpu usage and the bandwidth, the cpu usage is
around 40% and the average bandwich is 1 Mbit.

The OS is windows.


Below, what we did:


1) We used ffmpeg to capture the images from the camera and convert them
to  H264 + AAC frames (avcoded)

2) These frames were pushed in a circular queue

3) In a thread we created a RTP Server, the media session and two
subsession, one for the video and the other one  audio (see the code

4) Starting from the DeviceSource.cpp we created a source that reads the
frames from the circular queue.


5) When a client connects to the RTPserver, we create a NewStreamSource
and a NewRTPSink. As you can see in the code below, 

for the video StreamSource we create a H264VideoStreamDiscreteFramer for
the audio we leave as it is.


Regarding the RTPSink, for the video, we create an H264VideoRTPSink and
for the audio we create MPEG4GenericRTPSink.




I will appreciate any help.








unsigned long WINAPI Live555Thread (void *param)


      OutPacketBuffer::maxSize = MAX_FRAME_SIZE;


      TaskScheduler *serverTsk = BasicTaskScheduler::createNew();

      UsageEnvironment *serverEnv =


      RTSPServer *rtspServer = RTSPServer::createNew(*serverEnv,
g_nRTSPServerPort, NULL);

      ServerMediaSession *sms;


      if (rtspServer == NULL) {

            *serverEnv << "LIVE555: Failed to create RTSP server: %s\n",

            return 0;


      else {

            char const* descriptionString = "Session streamed by

            char RTSP_Address[1024];



            sms = ServerMediaSession::createNew(*serverEnv,
RTSP_Address, RTSP_Address, descriptionString);






      char* url = rtspServer->rtspURL(sms);

      *serverEnv << "Play this stream using the URL \"" << url <<


      for (;;) {

            serverEnv->taskScheduler().doEventLoop(&g_cExitThread); //
does not return

            if (g_cExitThread)





      return 0;





FramedSource* Live555ServerMediaSubsession::createNewStreamSource
(unsigned /*clientSessionId*/, unsigned& estBitrate)


      estBitrate = fEstimatedKbps;


      m_source = Live555Source::createNew(envir(), m_type, false);

      if (m_type == VIDEO_TYPE) {

            return (H264VideoStreamDiscreteFramer::createNew(envir(),




            return m_source;



RTPSink* Live555ServerMediaSubsession::createNewRTPSink (Groupsock*
rtpGroupsock, unsigned char /*rtpPayloadTypeIfDynamic*/, FramedSource*


      OutPacketBuffer::maxSize = MAX_FRAME_SIZE;


      if (m_type == VIDEO_TYPE) {

            return (H264VideoRTPSink::createNew(envir(), rtpGroupsock,


      else {

            unsigned char audioSpecificConfig[2];

            char fConfigStr[10];

            audioSpecificConfig[0] = (AUDIO_AAC_TYPE << 3) |

            audioSpecificConfig[1] = (AUDIO_SRATE_INDEX << 7) |

            sprintf(fConfigStr, "%02X%02x", audioSpecificConfig[0],


            return (MPEG4GenericRTPSink::createNew(envir(),
rtpGroupsock, 96, AUDIO_SRATE, "audio", "AAC-hbr", fConfigStr,






Ing. Giovanni Iamonte

Area Tecnologie e sviluppi

Quintetto Srl - Pont Saint Martin (AO)

( mobile: +39 393 9196310

( tel: +39 0165 1845290

+ e-mail: iamonte at quintetto.it <mailto:iamonte at quintetto.it> 

[ web: www.quintetto.it <http://www.quintetto.it/> 


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