[Live-devel] Add audio "Mediasession" SDP in to current video Server

Xingjun Chen xjchen at email.arizona.edu
Fri Apr 10 10:58:28 PDT 2015

Hi Ross and all other developers,

Right now, I create a rtspserver based on "testH264VideoStreame", which
streaming from a live h264 stream source using "DeviceSource", and it works

Right now I am trying to add the audio media session into current video
"ServerMediaSession", since the audio is already been multicast stream
using gstreamer, I have the SDP information of audio stream on hard, we
have problem on hardware encode for our raw audio data, that's the reason
why we using Gstreamer.

 For this case, I don't know how to combine the audio and video in the same
session, so the client can using the same "rtsp://" to receive the stream,
I tried using "addSubsession" to current video "ServerMediaSession", but no
subsession can parse the SDP directly. I try to using "MediaSession" to
import the audio's SDP description, but have no clue to the next step,
anyone know how to do this, I really appreciate your help, thank you!


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