[Live-devel] Access to RTPSink object on OnDemandServerMediaSubsession childs

Gerard Castillo Lasheras gerard.castillo at i2cat.net
Thu Aug 13 04:38:03 PDT 2015

Hi Ross,

I'm implementing statistics on our software (liveMediaStreamer framework
<https://github.com/ua-i2cat/liveMediaStreamer>) and I'd like to have
access to the RTPTransmissionStatsDB. But, I do not see how to get the
RTPSink object (which has the RTPTransmissionStatsDB and its stats).

Which should be the proper way to get the RTPSink object related to my
OnDemandServerMediaSubsession childs? I've seen that
OnDemandServerMediaSubsession has a friend classe StreamState which has the
RTPSink associated but, anyway, I'm not able to have access to it.

Thanks in advance,

Kind regards,

 Gerard Castillo Lasheras
  Enginyer de Projectes
  Fundació i2CAT - Unitat Audiovisual
  SkypeID: gerardcl85
  Telf.: +34.93.553.26.30 (530)
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