[Live-devel] Stream two subsessions in one ServerMediaSession

Ralf Globisch rglobisch at csir.co.za
Sun Dec 6 20:53:33 PST 2015

We noticed that a VLC release around two(?) years ago changed
the way audio/video is prioritised/synced which primarily affects 
streaming (i.e. not file playout) in the way you described. 
Previously audio had always played smoothly.

This more than likely has nothing to do with live555. You can verify this 
by using testRTSPClient as an RTSP client: the presentation times printed
to standard out will show you the relationship between audio
and video time stamps and if these are fairly close together e.g. within
a second, then the issue is more than likely in VLC in which case you can
try to increase VLC's network jitter buffer. 

If the time stamps are far apart, the issue is on the server side or network side.

>>> Piotr Piwko <piotr.piwko at embedded-engineering.pl> 12/06/15 10:50 PM >>>
2015-12-06 11:44 GMT+01:00 Ross Finlayson <finlayson at live555.com>:
> What sort of time synchronization problem do you have when you play your
> stream using VLC (as a client)? Does audio/video start out in sync, but eventually
> drift out of sync?  Or is VLC unable to play your audio+video stream at all?

VLC smoothly plays video stream, but the audio content stutters.
Interesting thing is that sometimes (1/5 try) it behaves exactly as it
should - synchronization occurs after few seconds and everything works

I looked at RTCP traffic and there are a lot of SR packets and
answers, so it seems that this functionality works correctly.

Piotr Piwko
live-devel mailing list
live-devel at lists.live555.com

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VLC smoothly plays video stream, but the audio content stutters. 
Interesting thing is that sometimes (1/5 try) it behaves exactly as it 
should - synchronization occurs after few seconds and everything works 

VLC smoothly plays video stream, but the audio content stutters. 
Interesting thing is that sometimes (1/5 try) it behaves exactly as it 
should - synchronization occurs after few seconds and everything works 

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