[Live-devel] Simultaneous Recording and Viewing

Eric Blanpied eric at sparkalley.com
Thu Jun 11 13:07:16 PDT 2015

We’ve got an app that’s successfully using the live555 library to record multiple streams using the QuickTimeFileSink, but now customers want to be able to view that stream at the same time it’s being stored. I’m guessing that’s a fairly common feature request, but I haven’t found any references on the topic.

Since the basic workflow is to set up the Sink and then send it the startPlaying() command, my impression is that using the same packets for multiple purposes would be tricky. 

The two main approaches I can think of:

1.  Subclass the QuickTimeFileSink (or perhaps something above it), to pass copies of the frames to another class responsible for display before continuing the file output process.

2. Don’t use live555 at all, and instead read the data from the file right after it’s written and format it for whatever playback environment.

Any advice, ideas or references would be great.


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