[Live-devel] question about missing implementation for void RTSPServer::implementCmd_REGISTER

Frederik De Ruyck frederik.deruyck at vsk.be
Thu Nov 17 08:52:59 PST 2016


in what version did you drop the following?

void RTSPServer::implementCmd_REGISTER(char const* /*url*/, char const* 
/*urlSuffix*/, int /*socketToRemoteServer*/,
                        Boolean /*deliverViaTCP*/, char const* 
/*proxyURLSuffix*/) {
   // By default, this function is a 'noop'

This call is still available in the header but was removed in 
RTSPServer.cpp, did you remove this in live.2016.11.17?

I'm asking because the linker complains about this since I've upgraded 
to the new version.


Frederik De Ruyck

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