[Live-devel] RTSP client adds undesirable trailing slash on setup command URL

Nathan nathan at team-mediaportal.com
Fri Apr 21 15:36:11 PDT 2017

Thanks for the suggestion Ross. Unfortunately it doesn't work. When I add that
attribute, LIVE555 streaming library constructs the following URL:

The server doesn't accept this.

What is required is simply the input I originally supply:

I can understand that you'd want to exercise extreme caution when modifying the
RTSPClient code. However...

1. The required patch is not complex:
(replace RTSPClient.cpp line 1438)
unsigned suffixLen = strlen(suffix);
separator = (prefixLen == 0 || prefix[prefixLen-1] == '/' || suffixLen == 0 ||
suffix[0] == '/') ? "" : "/";

2. You're weighting a concrete example of an incompatible server (Triax TSS400)
against a hypothetical [and in my opinion highly unlikely] compatibility break
with existing servers.

3. Iff the patch broke compatibility with other servers, the people interacting
with those servers could simply add a trailing slash to the URL they pass in.
That's trivial.

I strongly urge you to reconsider your decision.


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