[Live-devel] openRTSP: Empty output file

Ross Finlayson finlayson at live555.com
Fri May 19 07:43:02 PDT 2017

> I've acquired video on the Pi using "cat /dev/video0 > test.264" and attempted two things with the resulting test.264 file. First, I used it as the source for testH264VideoStreamer (same results as before, empty output file from openRTSP). Second, I tried to wrap it into an MP4 using Handbrake, but Handbrake did not recognize the file format. From these tests, I've concluded that the Pi camera pipeline does not output h264 directly.
> The next thing I tried was obtaining a source file using "raspivid -o test.h264" and repeating the same two tests mentioned above. Using this new file as the source for testH264VideoStreamer yielded the same result (empty output from openRTSP)

Note that “testH264VideoStreamer” expects a file named “test.264”, not “test.h264”.

> My thoughts are that there must be different ways of encoding something as h264 and that raspivid is doing this in a way that causes openRTSP not to recognize the stream

Yes, I suspect so.

I suggest collecting short files using both methods (“cat /dev/video0 > test1.264” and "raspivid -o test2.264”), upload those two files to a (publicly-accessible) web server, and send me the URL(s).  I’ll then download them and take a look at them, to see why our software might not be happy with them.

Ross Finlayson
Live Networks, Inc.

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