[Live-devel] Support for raw video format

GENESTIER Denis denis.genestier at thalesgroup.com
Tue Aug 28 08:44:44 PDT 2018

OK, many thanks Ross.
Currently, I am still testing your version and it seems to give the same results that mine.

> Yes, because it is possible (in RFC 4175) for data from more than one line to be contained within a single RTP payload, you need to subclass “BufferedPacket” to allow for this.  (Perhaps your ‘raw video’ RTP transmitter only delivers one line of raw video at a time; that’s probably going to be the common case.)

OK, but a quick look at your code shows me that your subclass RawVideoBufferedPacketFactory is called nowhere. Moreover its virtual function createNewPacket() is not instantiated and some functions are just dead code (currentLineNumber(), currentLineFieldId(), currentOffsetWithinLine() ).
My "raw video" source is a gstreamer pipeline and it sends RTP packet with more than one line inside, basically for the packet that contains the end of a line and the start of the next one. And without the use of the RawVideoBufferedPacket subclass, the client gets raw frame of correct size.

Concerning the dev on the RawVideoRTPSink subclass : work in progress ;-D


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