[Live-devel] Encrypting rtp stream

Warren Young warren at etr-usa.com
Fri Feb 22 09:01:25 PST 2019

On Feb 22, 2019, at 8:46 AM, Kevin Bailey <kevin at pudle.io> wrote:
> My plan was to just add a layer ontop of live555 like libsodium to handle my encryption.

There’s more to security protocol design than just blindly running everything through AES-128.

Cisco’s released an SRTP implementation on GitHub under a BSD-ish looking license:


> They also have options for handling dropped packets, something UDP is very susceptible to.

That’s reinventing RTCP, which is already in Live555.

I’m not finding anything in Live555 that does automatic retransmission when an RR comes in indicating that packets were lost, but Live555 does at least give you the mechanisms to detect this and cope with it.

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