[Live-devel] what to do about error 104 (Connection reset by peer)?

P. Min p at min.nl
Mon Nov 25 12:35:34 PST 2019

>   > This runs for a short while, after which recvfrom in GroupsockHelper::readSocket returns error 104.
>   What does that error number mean on your system?  (In other words, what does it show for error number 104 when you run ?man errno??)

"Connection reset by peer"

(perror() shows this as well)

>   > (and the program hangs, or rather, does not receive any more data)
>   Does the same thing happen when you run (the unmodified) ?openRTSP? application <http://www.live555.com/openRTSP> on this stream?

It seems to run a bit longer, then the same thing happens.

Some output from near the error (some of which is my debug output):


<ns8:MetadataStream xmlns:ns8="http://www.onvif.org/ver10/schema" xmlns:ns6="http://docs.oasis-open.org/wsn/b-2" xmlns:tns1="http://www.onvif.org/ver10/topics" xmlns:tnsitx="http://www.itxsecurity.com/onvif/event0/topics"><ns8:Event><ns6:NotificationMessage><ns6:Topic Dialect="http://docs.oasis-open.org/wsn/t-1/TopicExpression/Concrete">tnsitx:ITX/Metadata</ns6:Topic><ns6:Message><ns8:Message PropertyOperation="Initialized" UtcTime="2019-11-25-T20:29:50"><ns8:Source><ns8:SimpleItem Name="ITX API" Value="DLVA_1.0"/></ns8:Source><ns8:Data><ns8:SimpleItem Name="Base64JSON" Value="eyJzb3VyY2UiOiJydHNwOi8vMjEzLjE5My44OS4yMDI6NTU0L2F4aXMtbWVkaWEvbWVkaWEuYW1wIiwidG9waWMiOiJBbmFseXRpY3MvRmllbGREZXRlY3Rvci9PYmplY3REZXRlY3RlZCIsIm1ldGFkYXRhIjp7ImFubm90YXRpb25zIjpbeyJjbGFzcyI6InBlcnNvbiIsInNjb3JlIjowLjM0MDAwMDAwMzU3NjI3ODY5LCJ0cmFja19pZCI6MTI1NTUsImJib3giOlswLjE5OTA5MDAwMzk2NzI4NTE2LDAuODg0ODkwMDE5ODkzNjQ2MjQsMC4yNTIyNzAwMTMwOTM5NDgzNiwwLjk5NjI5OTk4MjA3MDkyMjg1XX0seyJjbGFzcyI6InBlcnNvb!
sending REPORT
sending RTCP packet
 81c90007 37f03886 7a24cdf2 00ffffff 00017468 00008172 b839ef5c 00065b89 81ca0004 37f03886 0107656d 6f686177 6b000000
recvfrom error: : Connection reset by peer
  exiting because of error
sending REPORT
sending RTCP packet
 80c90001 37f03886 81ca0004 37f03886 0107656d 6f686177 6b000000
sending REPORT
sending RTCP packet
 80c90001 37f03886 81ca0004 37f03886 0107656d 6f686177 6b000000
sending REPORT
sending RTCP packet
 80c90001 37f03886 81ca0004 37f03886 0107656d 6f686177 6b000000


I'll test some with different RTSP clients now.

Thanks again for the quick response :)


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