[Live-devel] RTSP Proxy Server Front End URL Customization

HAN Hao han.hao at stengg.com
Wed Sep 4 00:32:31 PDT 2019

> Thank you for your assistance! I managed to change the URL of the proxystream. However, for the compilation of the genericmediaserver.cpp, may I know what are the steps I take to see the IP addresses of the devices connected?

>As I already noted, you can do this simply by compiling “GenericMediaServer.cpp” with -DDEBUG=1 (or, equivalently, by adding #define DEBUG 1 to the start of “GenericMediaServer.cpp”.

Thank you! For that situation, I am able to see the accepted connection. May I know whether there are any ways to know if the accepted IP Address has terminated or lost that connection? 

Han Hao

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