[Live-devel] using stdin for live555MediaServer

Simon Brown sbrown at microvideo.co.uk
Tue Aug 25 02:19:56 PDT 2020

On 24/08/2020 16:29, Simon Brown wrote:
> On 24/08/2020 15:08, Ross Finlayson wrote:
>>> Is there any reason why or how test testOnDemandRTSPServer would be 
>>> blocking my main program from running?
>> No, but it sounds like there’s something wrong in the way that you’re 
>> “spawning the testOnDemandRTSPServer from within my main program and 
>> connect pipes to it and then pushing the data into this pipe”.
>> You should make sure that you can walk, before you try running.
Ok, I have worked out what is going wrong, but I don't have a solution 
to make it work every time.  In summary:

I can use stdout to a file.

I can use stdin from a file.

I cannot pipe stdout to stdin.

It would transpire that the onDemandRTSP server doesn't open stdin or 
pull data from it until it gets an RTSP request from the outside world.  
But our encoder is pushing data out on stdout continuously.  So I would 
need some communication between the RTSP server for when a stream is 
opened and my encoder to start pushing the data.  If I control it 
manually, and start the RTSP server, then start VLC pulling from the 
RTSP source and then start the encoder outputting data it works.  But 
things will break as soon as I stop the VLC pull.

So what are the easiest places to put a communication that an RTSP 
source has been requested and that an RTSP stream has been stopped?

Many thanks for your help so far.


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