[Live-devel] BUGS in rtsp interleaved

Cihan Kömeçoğlu cihan at thundernsi.com
Thu Jan 23 01:32:06 PST 2020

Hi Ross,

Thanks for help and I solved the problem. The reason of problem is that 
RTPINTERFACE_BLOCKING_WRITE_TIMEOUT_MS value is not high enough and it 
causes failure send function in sendDataOverTCP.  Probably the root 
reason is poor network quality.

Thanks again


On 22.01.2020 13:39, Ross Finlayson wrote:
> Cihan,
> Note that the ‘interleaving’ (RTP/RTCP-over-RTSP) is happening only for your ‘front-end’ stream, which you are accessing using the VLC RTSP client application.  Unfortunately we can’t help you specifically with problems with VLC, as that is not our software.
> Instead, for testing, I suggest that you use our “openRTSP” command-line RTSP client application as your ‘front-end’ RTSP client; see
> 	http://www.live555.com/openRTSP/
> However, I suspect that your problem, in reality, has nothing to do with ‘interleaving’.  You can test this by first running
> 	openRTSP rtsp://
> and then running
> 	openRTSP -t rtsp://
> I suspect that you will end up with the same result in each case.
> If the “LIVE555 Proxy Server” stops "sending RTP packets after several seconds”, then it most likely means that the ‘back end’ server (in your case, the "Hanua IP Cam”) has stopped streaming to the proxy server.  (Again, this would have nothing to do with ‘interleaving’, which is happening only with the ‘front end’ stream.)  The only way we could figure out what is happening with the ‘back end’ stream is for you to show us the diagnostic output from the proxy server (which you are giving “live555ProxyServer” the “-V” argument).
> Ross Finlayson
> Live Networks, Inc.
> http://www.live555.com/
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