
lists at sergtech.com.au lists at sergtech.com.au
Tue Jun 30 22:13:16 PDT 2020


I am a little late to the party regarding the feedback on the HLSProxy, 
but I have been looking at this tool recently as a means of buffering a 
video in segments before processing parts of it for a project. I have 
come across a number of issues, as follows

1. streamUsingTCP is never used, because continueAfterClientCreation1 is 
called instead of continueAfterClientCreation0. Is there a reason for 
this? In my limited testing I have not come across any issues with TCP 
streaming at this point.

2. Something in the streaming functions used from hlsProxy (and my c++ 
is too limited to debug properly) does not appear to handle broken 
streams well. In a sample set-up, I have

hlsProxy  --wireless link--> Router --wired link --> StreamSource

When I reboot the router, after wireless link is re-established, the 
hlsProxy stalls, without receiving any additional data. It also does not 
exit, stalling with

Wrote segment "/dev/shm/Tmp680/Tmp920.ts" (duration: 6.000000 seconds) 
-> 65.800000 seconds of data stored
     Deleting segment "/dev/shm/Tmp680/Tmp910.ts" (duration: 6.000000 
seconds) -> 59.800000 seconds of data stored

This behaviour is repeatable with all the stream sources I have tested.

     2.5 I would have expected the TCP version to exit at least, if only 
due to tcp_timeout parameters, but even it does not.

3. I have not tried any H.265 streams, but will do so in the future. I 
appreciate the addition of audio in recent code. I'm wondering if there 
is a DiscreteFramer I could use for something like alaw (PCM ALAW).

Best Regards,


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