[Live-devel] Demux live MPEGTS multicast stream and feed it to RTSP server

Thorson, Joshua C joshua.thorson at gatech.edu
Wed Mar 17 10:23:52 PDT 2021


I am looking to setup an RTSP server that serves h264 RTP payloads from a live MPEGTS multicast stream due to an existing client that does not support the MPEGTS RTP payload type.

I have setup the onDemandRtspServer example with the MPEG2TransportUDPServerMediaSubsession and it is working flawlessly with VLC, ffmpeg, and the openRTSP clients. I am now looking into how to demux the live incoming MPEGTS stream and pull out the h264 data and pack that into RTP packets and send it to clients. I have investigated the testMPEG2TrabsportStreamSplitter, however, I haven't been able to get it to work with the BasicUDPSource. Here is the flow I currently have set up:

MPEGTS Multicast Stream -----> BasicUDPSource ----> MPEG2TransportStreamFramer -----> MPEG2TransportStreamDemux

It creates the two expected files (one for the h264 video data and another for just stream data), but the h264 file is not getting populated with the video data.

I was wondering if you could point me in the right direction on how to get the MPEG2TransportStreamDemux to work with a live source, or if you think there is a better way to approach a solution to my problem.


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