Randomly I Frame missed for high bitrate cameras

R, Ranjith Ranjith.R at Honeywell.com
Thu Dec 21 04:13:28 PST 2023

Hi Team ,

We are using Live555 library as a RTSP client in our CCTV product. Recently we started supporting high bitrate cameras.

For some cameras(25 FPS/25 GOP, 8Mbps bit rate, 8MP resolution) we noticed that video is showing artifacts, on further analysis we identified that I Frame is missed for a some GOPs in between(In a 60 GOPs two to three GOPs I Frames are missed).

When captured Wireshark between camera and system, able to all frames are available in wireshark dump.

We played the rtsp url in OpenRTSP command line tool and observed similar issue in the video dump file. But we did not see any error in the console.

This is the command used, OpenRTSP.exe -v -b 600000 -P 60 <rtsp_url>.
Since this is high bitrate camera I Frame size is around 500KB, so given a client buffer size of 600000.

Please share your input.

Thanks and Regards,
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