[Live-devel] Live555 HLS Proxy to Web Server

Ross Finlayson finlayson at live555.com
Wed Mar 8 11:43:13 PST 2023

> On Mar 9, 2023, at 4:04 AM, Hunter Chisholm via live-devel <live-devel at us.live555.com> wrote:
> I think I am missing something very basic here but I can't find the answer on the web. I have a live h.264 IP camera stream being read by live555HLSProxy and an Nginx caching proxy server and web server. What I can't figure out is how to get the HLSProxy output to the Nginx server.

Yes, what you’re missing is that the “LIVE555 HLS Proxy” - ***if (and only if)*** the connection to the back end RTSP stream is working properly - writes a “.m3u8” file (and media transport stream segments) to the directory from which you ran the command.  That’s why the instructions say:
	"cd" to a directory that's accessible by your web server (e.g., /usr/local/www/apache24/data )

> /usr/local/bin/live555HLSProxy rtsp://user:pass@67.x.x.x:4300/s2 test
> This is the result of above:
> LIVE555 HLS Proxy, documented at http://www.live555.com/hlsProxy/
> (LIVE555 Streaming Media version 2023.01.19)
> [URL:"rtsp://user:pass@132.x.x.x:4300/s2/"]: Initiated the "audio/MPEG4-GENERIC" subsession
> [URL:"rtsp://user:pass@132.x.x.x:4300/s2/"]: Set up the "audio/MPEG4-GENERIC" subsession
> [URL:"rtsp://user:pass@132.x.x.x:4300/s2/"]: Initiated the "video/H264" subsession
> [URL:"rtsp://user:pass@132.x.x.x:4300/s2/"] Set up the "video/H264" subsession
> Beginning to read...
> [URL:"rtsp://user:pass@132.x.x.x:4300/s2/"]: Started playing session...

Do you ever see a message like
	Wrote segment “test001.ts” …
Followed by:
	Wrote index file “test.m3u8"; the stream can now be played from a URL pointing to this file.

If not, then this means that you’re not receiving the RTSP/RTP stream.  This is often because there is a firewall - somewhere between the server and your computer - that’s blocking UDP (and thus RTP/UDP) packets.  In this case, you can access the stream by requesting RTP-over-TCP, by adding the “-t” option.

You can test this by running our “openRTSP” command-line RTSP client application; see http://live555.com/openRTSP/
I.e., run:
	openRTSP rtsp://user:pass@67.x.x.x:4300/s2
Do you see any output files?  If not, then instead try
	openRTSP -t rtsp://user:pass@67.x.x.x:4300/s2
If you now see output files, then you can try also adding the “-t” option to “live555HLSProxy”; i.e., run
	/usr/local/bin/live555HLSProxy -t rtsp://user:pass@67.x.x.x:4300/s2 tes

> On the Nginx side I have a proxy cache block setup to receive the RTMP stream from HLS Proxy on port 1935 and a server block to make it available to a browser. I have worked with the SOUT function in VLC for other streaming projects and I have FFMPEG examples of sending the RTMP stream but coming up short in HLS Proxy.

I don’t understand any of this, because our software has nothing to do with RTMP.

Ross Finlayson
Live Networks, Inc.

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