[Live-devel] Sink dies after 17 min and 53 sec

Ross Finlayson finlayson at live555.com
Tue Jun 18 16:13:37 PDT 2024

> On Jun 18, 2024, at 1:57 PM, Lutz Fiebach <lutz at fiebach.de> wrote:
> Hi Ross,
> thank you for your reply sorry if the mail is not entered correctly, but as I did not receive a mail I could not reply to your reply.
> Our team leader has just found the error, it was an incorrect nal.duration calculation which was taken from the original code. I assume that since this code was designed completely differently, the problem never occurred.
> The duration was always set to negative, which most likely caused an exception at the same time.

Just a reminder that if you are streaming from a live source, then your media source object (“FramedSource” subclass) should *not* set “fDurationInMicroseconds”.  That way, each NAL unit will be streamed immediately after it’s created.

Ross Finlayson
Live Networks, Inc.

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