[Live-devel] Stream handling

Flavio Alves flavio.alves at vitalintelligencedata.com
Wed Jun 19 14:19:38 PDT 2024

Hi Lutz,

In my work I had to implement a RTSP server which provides several
different live sources on the same RTSP server, changing the endpoint.

I implemented a component matching the video source and the live555 source
together. The video source works on a different thread and sends the
trigger event to the specific live555 source which will deliver the frame
at the correct place.

I hope that can help you with some direction.

Best regards,


On Wed, 19 Jun 2024 at 16:47, Lutz Fiebach <lutz at fiebach.de> wrote:

> Hello,
> I am opening a new conversation in the hope that this time I will receive
> the mails from the mailin list.
> First of all, thank you for pointing out the end timestamps, we have now
> removed that.
> Maybe you can also give me some advice regarding the stream handling.
> I just want to know if it is the right way to use a FramedSource, store
> all clients in a map with the required information and then copy the nal
> frames for all active clients into their individual queue.
> Or are there other or better ways to copy the nal frames directly into an
> H264 sink and let live555 do the multiplication of the streams for the
> clients?
> Many thanks in advance
> Lutz
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