[Live-devel] Stream handling

Ross Finlayson finlayson at live555.com
Wed Jun 19 14:28:24 PDT 2024

> On Jun 19, 2024, at 1:48 PM, Lutz Fiebach <lutz at fiebach.de> wrote:
> The second question is aimed at since this is a raw stream, let's first manually take the appropriate frames SPS, PPS or VPS and create a H264VideoStreamDiscreteFramer and a H264VideoRTPSink.
> I wonder whether this is necessary or whether the frames can also be fed in directly, e.g. via an H264VideoStreamFramer? 

No, a “H264VideoStreamFramer” is used only when your input is an unstructured byte stream (where the NAL units are separated by 0x00 0x00 0x00 0x01 ’start codes’).

Because your input stream is a sequence of discrete NAL units (i.e., one NAL unit at a time), you should instead (in your implementation of “createNewStreamSource()”) feed your input stream into a “H264VideoStreamDiscreteFramer”.  (Note that each NAL should *not* begin with a ’start code’.)

Ross Finlayson
Live Networks, Inc.

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