[Live-devel] Can this be done reasonably?

Ross Finlayson finlayson at live.com
Tue Aug 3 13:45:33 PDT 2004

>I am just beginning to look at Live.com's stuff. Several things are not clear.
>OS-X support seems to be secondary.

Not at all.  All Unixes are supported equally.

>How the heck do I view a stream from the samples? All are command lines 
>and don't appear to have any gui attached.

See <http://www.live.com/liveMedia/faq.html#custom>

>Are there any Xcode/Project Builder projects? Coming from the GUI world, 
>doing command line building is somewhat alien (though I'm willing to try).

The code is built using Makefiles (which, BTW, has been the standard way to 
develop system software for at least 20 years).  Perhaps "Xcode/Project 
Builder" has a way to import Makefiles, as Microsoft's 'Visual Studio' 
does?  However, as you're developing system software for Unix, you would be 
well advised to become familiar with Unix command-line tools.

>Does the requirements list above seem reasonable to do from Live?
>Is it necessary or easier to use the Darwin injector stuff, or can I avoid 
>using the QTSS?

You don't need to use a remote RTSP server (such as QTSS/Darwin), because 
the LIVE.COM code has built-in RTSP server support.

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