[Live-devel] Compilation error on Solaris SunOs

Ross Finlayson finlayson at live.com
Thu Aug 12 14:45:00 PDT 2004

>Then i launched testOnDemandRTSPServer and try to play some videos: using 
>VLC client and QuickTime player i requested an MPEG1 program stream and 
>only the audio was playing not the video. Does anybody know about 
>something like that ? Also i tried to play using VLC client a transport 
>stream MPEG2 video which i got from VBRICK but client did not play 
>anything while server was sending when i snoop it.


Please put these files on a (publically accessible) web server, and send us 
the URL, so we can take a look at them, to try to figure out why they're 
not working.

	Ross Finlayson

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