[Live-devel] (no subject)

christian jung livedevel at gmx.de
Tue Dec 14 11:37:00 PST 2004

i´m trying to develop an proxy for VoD, using RTSP/RTP. 
Now i want to used the testOnDemandRTSPServer and the openRTSP the get an 
RTSP/RTP stream so i can work on my proxy. 
But i can make it run, if have compiled it and so on, with no errors. the 
server gives my the messages that i should use the rtsp://... 
wenn i´m using this by the openRTSP the following message is printed: 
Falied to get a SDP des.... 
so here are my questions: 
1. can i use the two programms like if written above? 
2. the server want to send files, but where do i have to save these files 
so that the server can handel them? 
3. is there any more detailed description how these apps are used, then 
the short one on the live-page? 
4. Do i need to create an SDP file or does the server do this? 
thanks for any help 

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