[Live-devel] Problems importing project ".mak" files in Visual C++ 7.1 (VS.Net 2003)?

Douglas Kosovic douglask at dstc.edu.au
Thu Jan 22 07:22:02 PST 2004

On Tue, 2004-01-20 at 19:04, Ross Finlayson wrote:
> I have had a report from someone who has been trying to use Microsoft 
> Visual C++ 7.1 (VS.Net 2003) to build the LIVE.COM code, and has been 
> having problems importing each of the project ".mak" files (i.e. Makefiles) 
> that were generated using "genWindowsMakefiles".

I had to create the a projects from scratch and add the appropriate
Preprocessor Definitions manually.

But I found it much easier to just click on the "Visual Studio .NET 2003
Command Prompt" which can be found under the VS.NET entry in the Start
menu. Then go to the top-level dir of the LIVE.COM code and run a BAT
file that I created called make.bat which contains:

cd liveMedia
nmake /NOLOGO /f liveMedia.mak
cd ..

cd groupsock
nmake /NOLOGO /f groupsock.mak
cd ..

cd UsageEnvironment
nmake /NOLOGO /f UsageEnvironment.mak
cd ..

cd BasicUsageEnvironment
nmake /NOLOGO /f BasicUsageEnvironment.mak
cd ..

cd testProgs
nmake /NOLOGO /f testProgs.mak
cd ..


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