[Live-devel] Live.com on familiar linux

Ross Finlayson finlayson at live.com
Wed Jul 7 15:28:43 PDT 2004

>I am able to compile the libraries using this but when i try to run this
>on the IPAQ I get the SIGSEV error,

I presume you mean "testOnDemandRTSPServer".

>while looking into "testOnDemandServer.cpp" it seems  that there is some
>problem in the BasicTaskScheduler call. I am not sure if the problem is
>dur to some missing path option while compiling or if it is something in
>the code which is not compatible with familiar linux kernel.

I don't know, but remember, You Have Complete Source Code, so you should be 
able to figure out what's going wrong.  What about the other test programs 
- do they work OK?

FWIW, several other people have gotten this code to work on Linux/ARM, with 
no problems.

	Ross Finlayson

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