[Live-devel] NTLM authentiaction

noam noam at softier.com
Thu Dec 15 17:11:45 PST 2005

Hi All. 


I'm working on an integration of the Live555 package with a
media-player, and am facing some challenges concerning authentication:


I try to stream from a windows media server a content which is
configured to demand a NTLM Authentication.

In the Live555 package source code NTLM (or Negotiate) authentication
methods is not implemented or documented (as far as I can tell), and so
my questions are:


1.      does anybody know what needs to be done in order to implement of
the NTLM authentication for the RTSP protocol?

2.      has anyone succeeded in receiving a stream (wm9 in my case) from
windows media server using the Live555 via RTSP with NTLM Authentication

3.      does anyone know of open sources packages/modules that
support/implement the NTLM authentication method?

4.      can anyone refer me to an
explanation/documentation/implementation about the "RTSP+NTLM
Authentication" issue ? 

5.      as far as I understand, the NTLM method relies on the Microsoft
SSPI package and uses its services, is it implemented for linux platform
/ open source as well?





Noam Oren.


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