[Live-devel] Setting RTP timestamps

Chandra Raghavan chandrashekar at gmail.com
Thu Feb 10 01:34:43 PST 2005

I completed an initial implementation of a simple FEC scheme. Now, I'm
looking at applying a more complex scheme to the transmission. I
intend to buffer all the slices in a particular frame. When I reach
the beginning of the next frame, I calculate priority values for the
buffered slices from the previous frame and send them out with
different amounts of redundancy.

- Now my concern is with the RTP timestamp & sequence number. Will the
streaming break because I'm waiting to process a complete frame before
sending packets out?

- In the current implementation, in MultiFramedRTPSink, every time a
new frame is taken from the MPEG1or2VideoStreamFramer using,
fSource->getNextFrame(), the source calls "afterGettingFrame" with the
timestamp. Since all the packets for particular frame will have the
same timestamp, can I just record these timestamps and use them when
I'm sending out the packets?

- At the MPEG1or2VideoRTPSource side, will RTP packets containing
out-of-order slices be handled fine?

   _ /\ _      Chandrashekar
   \ oo /      National University of Singapore
   /_  _\      Computer Engineering 
      \/         Class of 2005

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