[Live-devel] compiling liveMedia using Visual Studio .net

Jeremy Bernstein jeremy at bootsquad.com
Tue Jan 18 17:33:17 PST 2005

Hello -

I'm trying to get liveMedia working on Windows, using Visual Studio 
.net. I should note that everything works, more or less, using the 
command line (although I had to make the <strstrea.h> change referenced 
elsewhere in these archives. I've been able to compile the .libs and up 
to there, everything seemed ok.

When I attempted to compile a test program, using the .libs, I received 
some errors about an unresolved external symbol, _ftime. I solved this 
by changing the call to ftime() in groupsock.cpp to _ftime(). No more 
compile-time errors. However...

When running the program, I have a consistent crash, which I can't 
solve. It finally crashes in _unlock (in mlock.c), in response to the 
console output after socketJoinGroup() fails. I can't explain why 
socketJoinGroup() is failing (up until then, everything was super), nor 
can I explain the crash. However, since it all works from the console, 
I feel like I must be doing something wrong in my project settings. 
Does this ring any bells among the assembled developers here?


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