[Live-devel] RTSP Seek problems

Ross Finlayson finlayson at live.com
Tue Jan 25 11:17:29 PST 2005

>Yes but forgeting the RTP timestamp is an information loss.


>One other is that the currently given timestamps makes difficult (and
>not generic) the way to compute the position in stream when playing.

That's not the purpose of the RTP timestamp.  The purpose of the RTP 
timestamp is to indicate the *presentation time* of the stream, which is a 
continuous variable (even if the stream was generated by seeking within a 
file).  In any case, I can't redefine what the RTP timestamp means, nor can 
I change what RTP timestamps servers include in their outgoing RTP 
packets.  Get real :-)

> > Note that any code that makes use of the LIVE.COM libraries should 
> never have to know or care about RTP timestamps - the underlying LIVE.COM 
> libraries (at both the sender and receiver ends) automatically converts 
> presentation times to/from RTP timestamps.
>I totally agree this philosophy! But in the same way that "RTP sequence
>numbers" can be retreived using "RTPReceptionStats", I think the "RTP
>timestamp" should be retreivable using for example

There is such a function:
which tells you the RTP timestamp of the most recently-received RTP 
packet.  However, once again, you *do not need* this; it gives you no 
useful information.

	Ross Finlayson

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