[Live-devel] Dynamic Add/Remove session

Ross Finlayson finlayson at live.com
Fri Jul 8 04:04:01 PDT 2005

Note the optional parameter "reclamationTestSeconds" in 
"RTSPServer::createNew()".  If this parameter is >0, it tells the server to 
reclaim state for any RTSP client for which no activity has been seen in 
the specified number of seconds.

As of the latest "LIVE.COM Streaming Media" code release (2005.07.08), 
'activity' includes both RTSP commands (over the RTSP TCP connection), and 
RTCP "Reception Report" (RR) messages.

I suggest that you use this parameter (I suggest: set to some value >= 30 
seconds) if you want to ensure that server resources are reclaimed if a 
client should die without sending a proper RTSP "TEARDOWN" command.  If you 
use this parameter, you probably won't need to add any extra code.

(Plus, as I noted earlier, you can call 
"RTSPServer::removeServerMediaSession()" at any time, even if there is 
currently one or more clients connected.)

	Ross Finlayson

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