[Live-devel] Problems with receiving reports on sender side

Martin marthi at graphics.cs.uni-sb.de
Wed Nov 15 05:11:34 PST 2006

Hi Ross,

Ross Finlayson wrote:
>>I have the following Problem:
>>If I access the the transmissionStatsDB on the sender side, I only get 0
>>for Jitter and so on. However, on the receiver side the access to the
>>receptionStatsDB works fine.
> [...]
>> Might this problem somehow
>>be related to unicast or multicast streaming?
> Without knowing more about your application, it's difficult to say. 
> Note that if you run one of the demo server applications (e.g., 
> "testOnDemandRTSPServer" or "test*Streamer"), it should be receiving 
> RTCP "Reception Report" (RR) packets from clients (and thus updating 
> stats) just fine.  So you may wish to use these as a starting point.

thanks for your answer. As you suggested I started with testMP3Streamer.
I added these to functions just above main() in testMP3Streamer:

  void handleRR(void* clientData) {
    std::cerr << "Received ReceiverReport" << std::endl;

  void handleSR(void* clientData) {
    std::cerr << "Received SenderReport" << std::endl;

and after sessionState.rtcpInstance = RTCPInstance::createNew(...) I added:


In my opinion, only the setRRHandler() is relevant for the Sender
because its for receiving the RR packets, and I could use the
transmissionStatsDB for accessing the RR packets, right? Anyhow, just in
case I misunderstood something I added both.
If I start the streamer and use vlc for playback, I hear the music, but
I don't get any output from the handle*() methods. Did I use them
incorrectly or what is the problem here?


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