[Live-devel] Live stream frequently getting stuck

Russell Brennan rjbrennn at gmail.com
Thu Jun 28 06:31:55 PDT 2007

It sounds like you are implementing your pipes in an inefficient manner...
for instance, maybe you are writing the data to disk and then reading it
when really you could be writing it to RAM and reading it instead.  Check
out my prior post on streaming from buffers.


On 6/28/07, Kartik Rao <kartikraop at gmail.com> wrote:
> Hi. I am attempting to perform MPEG4 live streaming (on Windows) using
> live555 and DirectShow (SDK 9). I did the following:
> 1. Using DirectShow, I grab camera feed, encode it and dump the encoded
> data into a named pipe.
> 2. I modified the testMPEG4VideoStreamer program, so that it can be
> spawned as a seperate thread. Also, I created a "ByteStreamPipeSource" and
> "FramedPipeSource" class - similar to ByteStreamFileSource and
> FramedFileSource - which read the encoded data from a named pipe.
> Using VLC as a client, I observed the following: Initially, streaming
> works fine (although with a small delay). Then it got stuck and played no
> further. I set the "rtsp-caching", disabled "drop late frames" and "skip
> frames" parameters. Now when it gets stuck, it recovers a few seconds later,
> plays for a few seconds before getting stuck again.
> When I dump the encoded feed into a file and stream the file, at a later
> point in time, it plays smoothly. Currently, I am not modifying the
> presentation times. The difference between presentation times for successive
> packets when streaming live feed and through video though are different.
> Should I attempt to modify presentation time? Kindly advice on how I can
> avoid the problem of the live stream frequently getting stuck.
> Thanks,
> Kartik
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Russell Brennan
RJBrennn at gmail.com
(708) 699-7314
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