[Live-devel] Trouble with Amino STB

Анатолий Ремнев rtc_ru at mail.ru
Thu Nov 22 09:25:15 PST 2007

Hi, all!

I have a problem with AMINO STB.  In original version of
LiveMediaServer files are in the same folder that a exe-file.

I have modified code of DynamicRTSPServer.cpp for read folder list
form config.ini file and getting unique file from this folder list.

============================cut here=================================
static ServerMediaSession* createNewSMS(UsageEnvironment& env,
                                        char const* fileName, FILE* fid); // forward
char fullname[512];
DynamicRTSPServer::lookupServerMediaSession(char const *streamName) {
  // First, check whether the specified "streamName" exists as a local file:
  GetPrivateProfileString("programs", "dir_files", "", dir_files, sizeof(dir_files), ".\\config.ini");
  memset(dir_files, '\0', sizeof(dir_files));
  memset(targetFile, '\0', sizeof(targetFile));
  targetFile[0] = '.';
  targetFile[1] == '\\';
  strcat(targetFile, dir_files);
  strcat(targetFile, "\\");
  strcat(targetFile, streamName);

  //////Here we read folder list from config file
  //////for example: dir_files=C:\testdir1;C:\testdir2;C:\testdir1\test;
        char strName[512];
        memset(strName, '\0', 512);
        strcat(strName, streamName);
        char* tmp = strName;
        char* file = strName;
        tmp = strchr(file, '\\');
                if(tmp == 0)
                        file = tmp;
 // in *file* we have real file name without path (full path have been deleted in previous block
        char name[8192];
        GetPrivateProfileString("programs", "dir_files", "", name, sizeof(name), "config.ini");

        char **dirs;
        int nameLen = strlen(name);
        int semicolonCount = 0;

        for(int i = 0; i < nameLen; i++)
                if(name[i] == ';')
        dirs = new char*[semicolonCount]; // folder's array

        for(int i = 0; i < semicolonCount; i++)
                dirs[i] = new char[512]; // max length of full name
                memset(dirs[i], '\0', 512);

        int i = 0;

        for(int j = 0; j < nameLen; j++)
                if(name[j] == ';')
                        dirs[i][strlen(dirs[i])] = name[j];

          ///////////now in dirs we have folder list///////////////////////
          ///////////and search requested file there/////////////////////////
          FILE* fid; // our file

          for(int i = 0; i < semicolonCount; i++)
                        memset(fullname, '\0', 512);
                        strcpy(fullname, dirs[i]);
                        strcat(fullname, "\\");
                        strcat(fullname, file); // in *fullname* stored full file name (with path) which one may be presented in folders
                        // if file exists - break the cycle
                        fid = fopen(fullname, "rb");
  Boolean fileExists = fid != NULL;
============================cut here=================================


  The VLC Player perfectly reads files - so server starts thread for it.


  AMINO STB can't request any file - so server not to start any thread
  for it

  I've view some logs and have seen that AMINO don't send DESCRIBE
  command therefore VLC do it.

  Which mistake I have done and how to solve my problem?

  With best regards, Anatoliy
p.S. Sorry for my bad English

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