[Live-devel] LIVE555 Media Server - Reg

Rajendra Naidu rajendra.kavali at gmail.com
Mon Oct 22 14:45:40 PDT 2007

Dear All,

I am looking for streaming of MPEG-4 Video Elementary Stream file
I have few queries regarding this please help me in this regard.

1. Can i able to make fast forward or fast backward of the Stream ?
2. If so how should this be done either at the client side or at the server
side ?
3. I think if it were done at server side is better because there is no need
waste the bandwidth am i right or wrong ?
4. Can u please provide information regarding this like how do they do trick
play in MPEG-4 is it similar to MPEG-2 or different

Kindly help me in this regard
Thanks and Regards
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