[Live-devel] Visual 2005

Andreas Färber faerber at pi4.informatik.uni-mannheim.de
Fri Apr 11 07:38:58 PDT 2008

Am 11.04.2008 um 14:34 schrieb Ross Finlayson:

>> No, only when running Windows. And he mentioned OSX recently.
> No, noone mentioned building for Windows on OS X.  When I build the
> code for Windows, I do so on Windows (XP), using a version of "Visual
> Studio" that understands Makefiles

You did mention testing the previous bugfix on OSX.

And my point is, just because Microsoft makes something available free- 
as-in-beer it's no compelling reason for everyone to actually use it,  
especially not in a multi-platform environment, such as yours  

Rather than running Visual Studio 2005 Express and maintaining  
separate project files here or elsewhere, it might work better to  
generate the project files from the Makefiles. The Mono project does  
that with a shell script.


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