[Live-devel] RTP extension header

Ross Finlayson finlayson at live555.com
Wed May 21 18:29:25 PDT 2008

>I am wondering if there is any support in live555 to add an RTP extension
>header to RTP packets streamed from a server when using SimpleRTPSink?

No, not really, except by rewriting some of the code.

>More detailed: I am using live555 to stream an MPEG2 TS file, purposely
>sending the RTP packets out of order.  I am looking for a way to (buffer
>and) reassemble the packets on the client side.

Our receiving software does this automatically!!  You don't need to 
write any new software to get this.

>  Neither the RTP timestamp
>nor the sequence number can be used for reassembly since the packets were
>transmitted out of order.

Huh?  The whole purpose of the RTP sequence number is to allow 
receivers to use it to reorder any packets that got misordered in the 
network.  As I noted above, our software does this automatically.

If you (for whatever reason) want to *simulate* RTP packets getting 
misordered, then the right place to do this in our code is in 
"MultiFramedRTPSink::sendPacketIfNecessary()".  (Note that there's 
already code - commented out - there for simulating packet loss.) 
This code gets called after the RTP sequence number has been filled 
in, so if you modify it to simulate out-of-order sending, then our 
receiver code (and that of any other compliant RTP client) will 
reorder it properly upon reception.

Ross Finlayson
Live Networks, Inc.

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