[Live-devel] mpeg and user data

Sigismondo Boschi s.boschi at totalwire.it
Mon Oct 27 07:25:33 PDT 2008

Ross Finlayson wrote:
>> we have developed a streaming server based on live555, that gets mpeg4 
>> frames and streams them as a MPEG elementary stream.
>> Now I need to add some user data to each frame.
> Is this 'user data' really 'per frame' - i.e., tightly associated with 
> the MPEG-4 frame data?  If so, then the best way to do this would be to 
> try to find some provision in the MPEG-4 video specification for such 
> data, and just carry it inside the MPEG-4 frame data somehow.  (I don't 
> know whether the MPEG-4 spec has any provision for this, though.)

Yes, you are right - I have found finally the mpeg4 way to do this. I am 
  trying to inject user-data frames in the mpeg4 stream, that is frames 
starting with USER_DATA_START_CODE (0x000001B2). Actually, it seems to 
work just fine!

It has taken a lot to me to figure out this info, but then I have 
discovered that Sony and Axis cameras add trigger data in this way.

That's much easier than my first idea. Thanks for your time,

Sigismondo Boschi, PhD                     TotalWire S.r.l.
s.boschi at totalwire.it                      http://www.totalwire.it
cell: +39 346 7911896                      tel:  +39 051 302696
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