[Live-devel] problem with megapixel images in RTSPClient

Ross Finlayson finlayson at live555.com
Fri Apr 17 00:52:37 PDT 2009

>I'm new to live555. We made a MJPEG streaming server. I tried to 
>receive megapixel (1280x1024) images from server using RTSPClient 
>from live555 library. Seems that RTSPClient has a problem to process 
>such a big images, because media sink was not called. With VGA 
>format (e.g. 640x480) there was no problem.

Your problem might be packet loss.  JPEG is a very poor codec for 
video streaming, because each frame is so large (and so takes up many 
network packets).  If *any* of these network packets gets lost, then 
the whole frame must be discarded.

>I registered in mailing-list that RTSPClient is under a 
>reconstruction now. Is this problem related with this reconstruction?



Ross Finlayson
Live Networks, Inc.

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