[Live-devel] Packet Loss From VLS

Ross Finlayson finlayson at live555.com
Thu May 21 07:34:33 PDT 2009

>I'm using the simpleRTPsource in order to receive rtp/udp packets 
>which encapsulates TS (encapsulating an h.264 video stream). only 
>made a simple adjustment to testMPEG1or2VideoReceiver.
>When my source is Live555 and the testMPEG2TransportStreamer it's fine.
>However, I'm experiencing heavy packet loss when I transmit from the 
>vls program

Then the problem is with that program.  You'll need to ask the 
authors of that program what's wrong.

(I suspect, though, that they might be trying to send one 188-byte 
Transport Stream packet per RTP/UDP packet, instead of aggregating 
together 7 Transport Stream packets into each RTP/UDP packet (which 
is what most people do).  But I'm just speculating.  VLS is not our 
software.  Bug reports on that software are off-topic for this 
mailing list.)

Ross Finlayson
Live Networks, Inc.

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