[Live-devel] H264 Decompress

Miguel Angel Arcos marcos at a5security.com
Tue Jan 19 23:56:39 PST 2010

Dear Ross,

we started to develop using H264 protocol and we have some questions about
it. We are using all the comunication with live555 to extract data from an
Ip Camera with protocol H264. We have single NAL unit mode non-interleaved
and we are having problems to decompress using x264.

When we use x264 we init correctly the codec but when we try to decompress
we recieve ICERR_ERROR. If we try to decompress with VLC all its ok and we
can see the video correctly.

This are our questions:

- When I recieve every frame I recieve too one packet every time and we
ignore this, we use subsession->rtpSource()->curPacketMarkerBit() to do
this. This packet we think is only for information because is very small, 52
or 53 bytes. Is possible parse this packet to know what information

- The other question is about another very small packet of 4 bytes that we
recieve. That packet is recieved after X frames. We dont know what is this
and the information that it contains.

- We need some information of the two packets to decompress the image data
to avoid the ICERR_ERROR?

PD: We have been reading "RTP Payload Format for H.264 Video" and the FAQ of
live555 and we dont find the solution.

Thank you in advance.

Miguel Angel Arcos
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