[Live-devel] Unusual H264VideoStreamDiscreteFramer Compile Error

Alexander Stevens alexander.stevens at uqconnect.edu.au
Sun Aug 28 21:15:07 PDT 2011

Alright, so after a bit of tinkering, and a more in depth look into how
Live555 compiles its own test programs... I've resolved my problem by
using the compile structure set out like this... It should resolve any
undefined reference errors for Live555.

LIVE_INCLUDES=-I../UsageEnvironment/include -I../groupsock/include
-I../liveMedia/include -I../BasicUsageEnvironment/include
LIVE_LIBS=../liveMedia/libliveMedia.a ../groupsock/libgroupsock.a ../BasicUsageEnvironment/libBasicUsageEnvironment.a ../UsageEnvironment/libUsageEnvironment.a

g++ $(LIVE_INCLUDES) yourProgramSource.c -c
g++ -o yourProgramName -L. yourProgramSource.o $(LIVE_LIBS)

Sorry to those who I've incurred many facepalms to. Haha.
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