[Live-devel] Simple Filter leading to a CODEC

Ross Finlayson finlayson at live555.com
Tue Feb 1 08:34:43 PST 2011

>Thanks.  Actually, my problem right now is not with RTP at all, it's 
>with how to access the picture frames to implement the codec.

If you want to do this using our library, then you would write your 
own 'filter' class - i.e., a subclass of "FramedFilter" - for 
encoding each frame.  In particular, your "FramedFilter" subclass 
would implement the virtual function "doGetNextFrame()".

I suggest that you start by taking a look at our implementation of 
the "uLawFromPCMAudioSource" class, because that's the closest thing 
that we have in our library to a 'codec'.

Ross Finlayson
Live Networks, Inc.

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