[Live-devel] Help to understand the rtsp client connection close

Ross Finlayson finlayson at live555.com
Thu Jun 21 07:50:39 PDT 2012

> I am using the LIVE555 livemedia library for my camera recording development.  
> I have a problem.
> 1.       I started camera recording – recording  in progress
> 2.       Camera powered off – the RTSP connection got closed. (monitored through net stat)
> 3.       Program is not come out the play state.
> Please help me to understand how to get the rtsp connection closed notification. So that I can re-connect.
> Is there any method to automatically reconnect the rtsp client to the rtsp server (camera).

Sorry, but this question is so ridiculously vague, it's simply impossible to answer.

You'll need to say a *lot* more about what your software does, how it uses the "LIVE555 Streaming Media" software (is is a RTSP client, a RTSP server, or are you using one of the supplied demo applications?), and what, if any, additional software you have written to work with the LIVE555 code.  Also, you'll need to be a lot more specific about what your problem is.

Ross Finlayson
Live Networks, Inc.

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