[Live-devel] [Live_devel] RTCP handling in RTSP client

Ross Finlayson finlayson at live555.com
Thu Feb 26 23:38:53 PST 2015

Sorry, but this mailing list is for use by developers who are developing applications that use the “LIVE555 Streaming Media” libraries.  This software includes functionality for developing RTSP clients (and includes two demo RTSP client applications: “openRTSP” and “testRTSPClient”).  However, you have chosen (for “some reasons") not to use our software to develop your RTSP client application.  Therefore, your question is off-topic for this mailing list.

Your second question, however, is relevant:

> Question 2) 
> When I stream TS file with audio and video from VLC, its SDP shows audio and video media description separately.
> But when I stream the same file from live555 media server, SDP only shows video media,
> in this case I can hear audio, and when I save output with -v option(video only) in openRTSP, 
> output file also has the audio track.
> Why does this happen? 

Because when our RTSP server streams a Transport Stream file over RTP, it does so by streaming the entire Transport Stream (including video, audio, etc. tracks) over RTP.  It does *not* break up the input Transport Stream into separate video and audio streams and stream each of those - which apparently is what VLC does.

Ross Finlayson
Live Networks, Inc.

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