[Live-devel] Playback is sped up

Deanna Earley dee.earley at icode.co.uk
Fri Jul 17 00:56:54 PDT 2015

Does it work any better when you specify all of the “-w <width> -h <height> -f <framerate>” parameters?

Deanna Earley | Lead developer | icatchercctv

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From: live-devel [mailto:live-devel-bounces at ns.live555.com] On Behalf Of Jade Royston
Sent: 17 July 2015 01:40
To: LIVE555 Streaming Media - development & use
Subject: [Live-devel] Playback is sped up


I am using openRTSP to record cameras in segments. The files are outputting fine every time segment I specify, the playback is sped up. I am unable to put the files into iMovie to try to slow them to the appropriate speed.

For example: a 30 minute output or -P 1800 will open up and playback as a 20 minute video. That ratio is pretty consistent when I change the output size.

Also, I use the -i command to output .avi files. This is the only command I get files that I am able to playback. The -4 and -q commands output files that are corrupt or unplayable.

I look forward to hearing a solution to have the output files playback at the correct speed as well as get the -4 to work as I would like to output .mp4 files.


Jade Royston

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