Live encoder publishing via RTP/TCP to media server

Nick Reed nick.reed at
Tue Jun 9 14:27:13 PDT 2015

We have a device that currently publishes a live RTP stream over UDP to a media server.  It has its own RTSP implementation right now, which goes through the ANNOUNCE, SETUP, RECORD workflow to retrieve the UDP ports from the server, then sends RTP frames using another library.  These frames get pulled from a hardware encoder.

We’d like to transition this to a RTP over TCP implementation using Live555, and were hoping to get some advice.

We’ve started the implementation of our own Source classes for both video and audio, and the workflow to connect them to the proper RtpSink classes as described in the FAQ and examples.  We don’t see any examples that push to a server using RTSP, but I believe that should be possible.

Is there any example for doing this, or can someone offer a bit of advice?

In particular, after one creates the MediaSubsessions attached to those Sinks, there would need to be a way to retrieve an RTSP Client that will use the same socket and interleave it with the video/audio data to initiate the publishing.


Nick Reed 

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